Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Procedure
Effective date 1st August 2021 within Connelly Group Holdings. Government Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our Policy
The reputation of Connelly Group Holdings has always been built on the trust of our clients to deliver quality services and products. We are committed in ensuring we do not participate in any way shape or form in the exploitation of fellow human beings in however that may be manifested. We will uphold our core values of trust, honour and integrity in notifying the authorities in the event of our employees and stakeholders becoming aware of any incidences that are deemed to be of a concern in the trafficking of people no matter their creed or ethnicity. We will regularly engage with our supply chain in ensuring they too share our common values. All peoples are the same and are entitled to live freely without being exploited, trafficked, harmed, or starved. Also, being removed or separated from their loved ones without proper consent.
Signs of Modern Slavery
Signs of modern slavery of people in the UK tend to exhibit the following:
- Signs of malnourishment
- Signs of injury
- Unkempt appearance
- No eye contact
- Inappropriately dressed for the weather conditions
- They are always with other people
- No engagement in conversation or being able to speak basic English
- Scared looking
- Vulnerable demeanour

Reporting Concerns
Employees of Connelly Group Holdings must raise concerns they may have with their line manager or directly with our businesses Human Resources department should they identify human slavery or trafficking activity as they go about their duties in the field of work. We all must minimise the opportunity for modern slavery and human trafficking gangs that are also involved in organised crime ever being able to exploit people for their own profit in peddling misery to all who may find themselves within their grasp and especially vulnerable people. We are committed no such deplorable behaviours can take place within the businesses of Connelly Group Holdings and its supply chain.
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To find out more information please contact us today.